We are surrounded! No, it's not meant to scare you, just to have you think about the environment that surrounds us and the effect it may be having on your health.
We live in a toxic world. It's unfortunate that the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we eat, the products we use contain toxins. And those toxins are put into our bodies by the daily activities we do each day - like having lunch or walking outside.
Facilities in the U.S. released nearly 5 billion pounds of toxins into the air in 2015. Seventy-two million pounds are known carcinogens. In 2015, the city of Chicago experienced 68 days when the air quality was too unhealthy for children, elderly and the ill. Coal-fired power plants spew sulfates, nitrates and mercury into the air. These compounds have been linked to more than 20,000 premature deaths each year.
In 1989 alone, the EPA estimates, in its Toxic Release Inventory National Report that 2.4 billion pounds of chemicals were released into the atmosphere. And this is just one year! Here is a partial list of common toxicity signs: fatigue, lethargy, depression, headaches, allergies, chronic infection, frequent colds, nervousness, sudden anger, memory loss and joint pains.
What can you do?
One easy way to reduce the effects of these toxins in your system is to increase the nutrients in your diet that counteract cell damage caused by free radicals. What does this mean to you? Eat and supplement with antioxidants. Antioxidants bind with and render harmless the cell-damaging free radicals.
You can take a supplement with zeolite. Zeolites act as magnets drawing toxins to it, capturing them in its cage and removing them from the body. The human body is a self-healing, self-cleansing 'machine.' It detoxify's itself every day. But toxic overload can create a burden on the body. Zeolites can assist the body's own detoxing process.
Plus, eating organically (or as 'organically as possible), install a water filter in your home - anything you can do to reduce the toxins you are putting into your body.
Help your body help you. Do what you can to reduce your 'body burden' to help you live a healthier life.
Buy liquid zeolite products, today!