Caffeine and Weight Loss

Through it’s not enough (by itself) to keep you dropping pounds and inches, caffeine can help boost weight-loss efforts or prevent weight gain.

Caffeine is found in many beverages, including coffee, tea, energy drinks and colas as well as medications and dietary supplements targeting weight loss.

While researchers are still investigating the caffeine and weight loss connection, there are a few theories about how caffeine might affect weight, including:

  • Appetite suppression: Caffeine may reduce feelings of hunger and your desire to eat for a brief time.
  • Calorie / fat burning: Caffeine appears to increase energy use even when you're at rest. It stimulates thermogenesis — one way your body generates heat and energy from digesting food.

Before you fuel up with a jumbo cup of joe, keep two things in mind (especially if the goal is to lose weight):

  • First, too much caffeine might cause nervousness, insomnia, nausea, increased blood pressure and other problems. Daily consumption of 400 mg or less is generally considered safe for a health adult.
  • Also keep in mind that some caffeinated beverages, such as specialty coffees or teas, are high in calories and fat. Just adding milk and sugar to coffee or tea could set back your weight loss efforts, especially if you drink multiple cups a day. Instead of losing weight, you might actually gain weight if you drink too many of these higher calorie drinks.

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